Terms and Conditions of Silesia Marathon 2024

I. Organiser

1. Silesia Pro Active Foundation is the Organiser of Silesia Marathon 2024.

2. The Marshal Office of the Silesia Voivodship is the co-organisers of the races and the organisation partners are the cities of: Katowice, Siemianowice Slaskie, Myslowice and Chorzow.

II. Date and place. The Route. Facilities for the runners

1. Run will take place on October 6th, 2024.

2. The run will begin at 8:00 am.

3. The starting site will be divided into zones. Participants must line up in their zones 5 minutes before the start. The assignment to specific starting zones is based on the results provided by the competitor in the registration form and the order of applications.

4. The route of the run will pass through Silesian cities, and its exact course will be presented on the official website of the run at: silesiamarathon.pl

5. The marathon will take place on streets with no or limited traffic.

6. The route is certified by PZLA and World Athletics, and its length is 42.195 km.

7. The route will be marked every 1 km.

8. Nutrition points will be spaced approximately 5 km apart, and additional watering points will be set between feeding points.

9. Participants on the route are required to follow the instructions of the Police, City Guard and other people securing the route of the run.

III. Participation (terms and charges)

1. The marathon run is open to competitors who turn 18 by October 5th, 2024.

2. The condition for participation in the race is:
a) agreeing to comply with these Terms and Conditions, and thus full acceptance of the above regulations and a commitment to comply with them,
b) having good health enabling participation in the race, conducting medical examinations and submitting a declaration by the competitor that there are no medical contraindications for participation in the marathon during registration for the race by selecting the appropriate option.

3. The entry fee in Silesia Marathon 2024 is:
a) PLN 160 – before February 29th, 2024
b) PLN 190 – before June 30th, 2024
c) PLN 220 – before September 10th, 2024
d) PLN 300 – from September 11th to September 22nd, 2024 and at the Competition Office: October 3rd to October 5th, 2024 (in the case of available starter packages)

4. It is possible to pay one entry fee for a group of at least 10 people. The discounted entry fee for each competitor in the group is:
a) PLN 170 – until June 30th, 2024
b) PLN 195 – before September 10th, 2024

Group discounts apply from March 1st, 2024

5. In the case of group applications (eg companies, sports clubs, running groups) individual registration is required for each runner of the group with the same name of the company, club or running group. In order to pay the starting fee for the team, the team captain must contact the Organizer (contact form >>> Group application) and provide the details of all group members. An individual bank account number will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the team captain for a one-time payment for team members.

6. The date of payment is determined by the date of receipt of funds on the organizer’s account.

7. The registration fees are subject to change. Any new fee adjustments will not affect participants who have already paid before the changes were implemented.

8. Payments are made by individually generated electronic transfers in cooperation with PayU SA: with VISA and MasterCard payment cards, electronic transfers or by means of an automatically generated transfer / payment print (“Print and pay” option to be used in other banks or postal payments)

9. VAT invoices are issued only by the 15th day of the month following the month of payment of funds to the organizer’s account, provided that the request for an invoice is sent electronically (contact form >>> Invoices and payments) along with complete information on the complete necessary data to issue it and to provide the date of payment.

10. In the event of insufficient payment of the entry fee (eg as a result of exceeding the payment deadline specified in these regulations), the competitor is obliged to pay the difference up to the amount he should have paid in accordance with the payment deadline specified in the regulations.

11. The right to a free marathon start is granted to:
a) winners of the general category of women and men in the previous editions of the Silesia Marathon,
b) competitors who will be over 70 on the day of the marathon,
c) competitors who have completed all marathon editions since 2009.
Members of the Elite Ten Club have the option to benefit from a fixed registration fee of 160 PLN until September 10th, 2024. The mentioned participants are kindly requested, after registering on the race website, to contact the organizer (contact form >>> competition office) in order to assign a start number.

12. In random cases, the entry fee may be transferred to another competitor.
A competitor who wants to transfer the entry fee to another person should contact the organizer’s office indicating another person already registered for the race (contact form >>> Invoices and fees).

13. The handling fee related to the transfer of the starting fee is PLN 30.

14. If the transferred entry fee is lower than the current fee for a given distance applicable on the day of the shift, the competitor to whom the transfer fee is transferred should pay the difference.

15. The entry fee after August 31th , 2024 and in a situation where a VAT invoice has been issued for participation in the competition, cannot be transferred to another competitor under pain of disqualification.

16. Each participant, until August 31th , 2024, may, by logging in to his own account created during registration, change the distance from the marathon to another available distance. If, at the time of making the decision to change the distance, the entry fee for the new distance is higher than the payment already made, the difference must be paid. If the fee for the changed distance is lower than the already paid fee, no refund is due.

17. The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable to the following year. According to Article 38 point 12 of the Consumer Rights Act (Act of May 30, 2014, on Consumer Rights, Dz.U.2020.0.287), participants do not have the right to withdraw from the agreement for the provision of services related to entertainment, sports, or cultural events if the specific day or period of service provision is indicated in the agreement.

18. All participants of the run receive, among others: a BIB number, commemorative technical T-shirt prepared especially for the next edition of Silesia Marathon.

IV. Entry and collection of a Race Pack

1. Registrations for the race are accepted using the registration form available on the website https://silesiamarathon.pl/ – until September 22nd, 2024, or until the limit of spots is filled..

2.The limit of BIB numbers is 5000 (applies to registrations made until September 10th, 2024). The limit for available packages for registrations made from September 11th to September 22nd, 2024, as well as at the Competition Office on October 3rd-5th, 2024, will be announced on September 11th, 2024, in a separate communication.

3. Only non-cash payments will be accepted at the Competition Office.

4. Confirmation of the application and payment of the starting fee is the given BIB number (confirmation on the competition website and by e-mail to the address provided during registration). Giving a start number may take up to 5 working days. Registration without the payment and the assigned starting number does not guarantee participation in the competition

5. Collection of starting numbers and packages will be possible in person or by a designated person at the Competition Office after presenting a ticket with a QR code on the following days:
October 3rd, 2024 from 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm
October 4th, 2024 from 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm
October 5th 2024 from 9.00 am – 7.00 pm
October 6th 2024 from 6.30 am – 7.30 am

Tickets with a QR code will be sent on Monday or Tuesday 25/26 September to the telephone number and e-mail address provided during registration.

6. If the participant’s starter package is collected by other people, it is required to provide this person with a ticket with a QR code, which the person will present at the Competition Office.

7. The organizer, for safety reasons, reserves the right to implement additional verification of participants by requesting them to present Identity Card or Passport

8. The Competition Office, open on October 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th 2024, will be located at the Silesian Stadium, ul. Katowicka 10, 41-500 Chorzów – entrance via gate 1A.

9. Starter packages can only be collected during the specified days and hours as stated in the Terms and Conditions. The organizer does not offer shipment of starter packeges, and uncollected starter packeges are forfeited.

V. Measurement and time limits.

1. Time measurement is carried out using an electronic system (a time measurement chip is built into the start number).

2. The official time of the competition is the net time (the time from crossing the start line to crossing the finish line).

3. Participants will be divided into start groups, the size and starting time of each starting groups will be presented before the competition,

4. Timing checkpoints will be at 10, 20, 30 km and at the finish of the race route. Additional checkpoints can be entered.

5. During the race all competitors must have the starting numbers received in the package attached to the front of the starting jersey. Under the penalty of disqualification, it is unacceptable to cover the starting number in part or in whole, modify it or place it elsewhere than on the starting shirt.

6. The organizer sets the time limit for completing the marathon for 5 hours and 45 minutes chip time.

7. For organizational reasons of public transport in the Silesian agglomeration, time limits are introduced at specific points on the route. Competitors who do not fit in the specified time limit are required to stop the race and leave the marathon route.
a) 10 km – limit: 1:22:00 chip time
b) 20 km – limit: 2:43:00 chip time
c) 30 km – limit: 4:05:00 chip time
d) 35 km – limit: 4:47:00 chip time

8. Remaining on the race course after the designated time as well as not following decisions made by the judges and event staff will result in the disqualification of the participant

9. On the race course, assistance from cars, bicycles, scooters, and other vehicles outside of those provided by the organizer is prohibited.

VI. Ratings and prizes

1. The ratings in the Silesia Marathon 2024 will be conducted in the following categories:
a) general: men and women – by net time
b) by age: men and women – by net time
• W 20 from 18 to 29 years old
• W 30 from 30 to 39 years old
• W 40 from 40 to 49 years old
• W 50 from 50 to 59 years old
• W 60 – 60 years and older
• M 20 from 18 to 29 years old
• M 30 from 30 to 39 years old
• M 40 from 40 to 49 years old
• M 50 from 50 to 59 years old
• M 60 from 60 to 69 years old
• M 70 – 70 years and older

2. The general classification of women and men (places I-VI) is decorated and awarded.

3. Awards in the general classification will be granted based on gun time. Gun time is calculated from the start of the first group.

4. The organizer reserves the right to introduce additional classifications. Additional classifications for social groups and professional groups will be conducted based on separate regulations.

5. The type and amount of prizes are specified in a separate document here.

6. In order to receive prizes and bonuses one must to complete the race, obtain a negative result of the doping control and appear in person at the awards ceremony.

VII. Final Provisions

1. The participants are to observe the regulations of PZLA, World Athletics and the present Terms and Conditions.

2. The organizer may conduct anti-doping tests among selected participants. Refusal to participate in an anti-doping test or a positive test result indicating doping use will result in the disqualification of the participant from the marathon.

3. Participants are obliged to comply with public order, orders from the security services, and show respect to other marathon participants.

4. Participants are required, under penalty of disqualification, to maintain cleanliness along the race route. Specifically, littering cups, bottles, and used wrappings outside the designated refreshment zones is strictly prohibited.

5.The organizer has the right to remove from the marathon route and event area individuals who disrupt public order, interfere with the course of the marathon, or not complay with the Terms and Conditions.

6. Not following the Terms and Conditions can be a reason for disqualifying of a participant.

7. Due to the recommendation of IOC and Word Athletic, competitors representing Russia and Belarus are excluded from the race.

8. The organizer provides participants with necessary medical care along the marathon route and at the finish line during the event.

9. At the event premises, participants will have access to changing rooms and restrooms.

10. Participants will have access to a deposit area during the event. Leaving valuable items or documents in the deposit area is prohibited.

11. Silesia Marathon is insured under general terms. Individual insurance against injuries or other unfortunate events that may happen to a participant during the race requires a separate insurance purchased individually by the participant.

12. Protests will only be accepted in written, paper form and will be received by the Competition Office until 3:00 PM on the day of the event.

13. Transferring BIB number to another person during the Marathon or any part of it will result in the disqualification of the participant using that race number.

14. Staying on the Marathon route without a valid BIB number or placing it anywhere other than the front of the start shirt is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Individuals without a valid BIB number will be removed from the route by the route staff. Specifically, it is prohibited to move along the marathon route on bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, or other mechanical devices, and to bring animals without valid permission issued by the Organizer. Participants using Nordic Walking poles are also not allowed.

15. By registering for the event, the participant accepts Terms and Conditions and agrees to the free use of their image captured in the form of photographs or video recordings. Additionally, they grant the Organizer a free license to use this image for various purposes, including those within the scope of copyright law, for the promotion and organization of events by the Silesia Pro Active Foundation. This consent includes sharing with sponsors and partners of Silesia Marathon for promotional purposes, publication in various media (such as websites, press, TV, and radio broadcasts), as well as in publications of the Silesia Pro Active Foundation and promotional materials printed by the Organizer.

16. The Organizer is not liable for the cancellation of the event due to reasons beyond their control and unpredictable.

17. At the Silesian Stadium Regulamin Obiektu Stadion Śląski.

18. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the regulations during the event if the situation requires it for the safety of participants and organizers.

Katowice, 15th December 2023.

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