Regulation of the event

organized at Silesian Stadium in Chorzów  – Silesia Marathon on October 1, 2023

According to the Act of September 11, 2015, amending the Act on the Safety of Mass Events and certain other acts, Article 6, paragraph 3 of the Act of March 20, 2009 (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1707, as amended), hereinafter referred to as the “Act,” the following regulations are introduced for the event organized at Silesian Stadium in Chorzów, Silesia Marathon, on September 28 – October 1, 2023.

Chapter I
Scope of validity
§ 1
1. The regulations apply to the event organized by the Silesia Pro Active Foundation at Śląski Stadium located at 10 Katowicka Street in Chorzów.
2. The regulations specify the rights and responsibilities of the Organizer, conditions of participation, and rules of conduct for event participants, including provisions governing:
a. the organization of the event;
b. the responsibilities of event participants;
c. conditions of participation in the event;
d. rights of event participants;
e. rules regarding the responsibility of event participants for behavior not in accordance with the regulations.

Chapter II
Organization of the Silesia Marathon event
§ 2
1. The Organizer of the event is responsible for the safety of the event at its venue and throughout its duration.
2. The event is free of charge and open to the general public.

Chapter III
Responsibilities of event participants
§ 3
1. Due to health restrictions, entry to the event premises is only permitted for individuals who are in good health, with a body temperature below 38°C, without symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and wearing a protective mask or other legally permissible face-covering that shields the mouth and nose.
2. Participants must maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from others wherever possible.
3. Event participants are required to:
a. Not disrupt public order;
b. Adhere to the provisions of these regulations and the venue regulations;
c. Carry and present upon request by security or informational services securing the event their identity document;
d. Move and stay only in areas designated by the event Organizer;
e. Not pose a threat to the safety of other individuals present at the event;
f. Follow the instructions of security and informational services of the Organizer (including event announcers), and in case of intervention by police, fire brigade, border guards, military police, or other authorized services and authorities – comply with their orders.
4. For the safety of the event, participants may be required by security or informational services to occupy different seats than initially assigned and permitted by the Organizer, or refrain from leaving their occupied area after the event concludes.

Chapter IV
Conditions of participation
§ 4
Regardless of meeting the above conditions, the following individuals are not entitled to enter the event premises:
a. Those subject to a prohibition order from attending mass events or obliged to refrain from being present at locations where mass events are held.
b. Individuals subject to an international travel ban.
c. Those refusing to undergo procedures specified in Article 20 of the Act on the Safety of Mass Events.
d. Individuals visibly under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic substances, or similar acting substances.
e. Individuals behaving aggressively, provocatively, or in any way posing a threat to safety or public order.
f. Children under 13 years of age not under the supervision of an adult.
1. During the event, it is prohibited in particular to:
a. Use clothing items or objects intended to cover the face or prevent or hinder identification.
b. Use clothing items or objects that clearly indicate membership in a specific football club participating in national competitions.
c. Bring in and display large-format banners or banners.
d. Proclaim and display slogans that are obscene, offensive, vulgar, racist, incite ethnic, religious, social, or ideological disputes, etc., and encourage other participants of the mass event to do so, including through singing or chanting.
e. Throw objects.
f. Bring in, possess, or consume alcohol outside areas designated for this purpose by the Organizer.
g. Use narcotics or psychotropic substances.
h. Ignite or stoke fires, smoke tobacco outside designated areas.
i. Possess explosives, pyrotechnic articles, or other similar substances.
j. Attend to physiological needs outside toilets and littering the stadium area, as well as destroying infrastructure.
k. Unjustifiably occupy spaces in communication routes and evacuation routes.
l. Use venue equipment in a manner not intended for them.
m. Use physical violence or make threats against other participants of the mass event.
n. Conduct election campaigns or political activities.
2. It is prohibited to bring and possess at the Silesia Marathon mass event:
a. Weapons, ammunition, and other dangerous items that could be used as weapons.
b. Explosive materials, pyrotechnic products, substances of similar action, and all kinds of fire-hazardous materials.
c. Containers for liquids or products, including food products. In justified cases, the Organizer may allow the entry of items mentioned in this point.
d. Narcotics, psychotropic substances, or other similarly acting substances.
e. Helmets and umbrellas.
f. Materials containing racist, offensive, political, xenophobic, or vulgar content.
g. Containers for spraying gas, corrosive or dyeing substances.
h. Objects that, due to their shapes and/or sizes, cannot be concealed under a seat.
i. Trumpets and instruments with mechanical or electrical drive.
j. Laser pointers and drones.
k. Advertising materials except those approved in writing by the event Organizer/owner/manager/user of the venue.
l. Bringing animals, except guide dogs.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse permission to bring cameras, cameras, and other similar devices recording sound or image as well as devices used for transmitting commercially image, sound, descriptions of events through the Internet.
4. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse permission to bring items if there is a reasonable suspicion that it may be used to commit an offense under the Act or these Regulations.
5. Prohibited entry into places not intended for the public. This prohibition applies in particular to the area where sports competitions are held, buildings and equipment not intended for public use, the facade of the facility, fences, walls, fences, stadium roofs, lighting equipment, camera platforms, trees, all kinds of masts, and entrances to other places, devices, and rooms accessible only to specialized services or representatives of the event Organizer.
6. Complicity and aiding and abetting in acts prohibited under paragraphs 2-3 and paragraph 6 above will also be treated as a violation of these regulations.

Chapter V
Participant rights
§ 5
1. Event participants have the right to:
a. Be present at the stadium during the event, from the time it is made accessible by the Organizer until the event concludes.
b. Participate freely in the event expressing their emotions, limited only by the necessity to comply with applicable laws and the provisions specified in these regulations, as well as to respect the rights and dignity of other participants in the mass event.
c. Receive information about the locations of medical, informational, gastronomic, and sanitary points, as well as facilities and safety requirements specified by the Organizer or rescue services.
d. Use facilities, including sanitary facilities, provided for general use in a manner consistent with their intended purpose.
e. Access medical assistance during the event.
f. Utilize the cloakroom service after prior notification to security or informational services of the Organizer.
2. Event participants are also entitled to:
a. Immediately report to the Organizer information and any claims regarding damages they have incurred during the event.
b. Lodge complaints and submit requests.

Chapter VI
Final rules
§ 6
1. Entering the venue constitutes consent to the use of one’s image in connection with the production, presentation, promotion, or use of film, video, and audio recordings from the mass event and/or any element of the event presented in media broadcasts worldwide.
2. Individuals disrupting public order or behaving contrary to the event regulations may be removed from the event premises.
3. In cases defined by the Act on the Safety of Mass Events, the Organizer’s services are authorized to detain individuals who pose an immediate threat to protected assets and those engaging in prohibited activities, promptly handing them over to the Police.
4. Regardless of the provisions of these regulations, the Organizer’s services may deny entry to an individual in cases specified in Article 22, paragraph 1 of the Act on the Safety of Mass Events.
5. The Organizer reserves the right to:
a. Use certified technical devices for measuring alcohol in exhaled air.
b. Pursue claims for damages caused by a participant of the event.


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